your own personal id for your website







what is this? is a free subdomain service that allows you to have a nice subdomain for your website for free. We are a group of volunteers who are passionate about web development and want to make it easier for everyone to have their own unique web address.

Why Us?

Sleek and memorable web address

Your name is unique, so why not your web address for your website? With, you can have a nice subdomain for your website thats is easy to remember and share like
cloudflare logo

Powered by Cloudflare

With Cloudflare's global network, your subdomain can opt in to get all the proxy features like SSL, DDoS protection, and caching. It's fast, secure, and reliable so no need to worry about downtime or slow loading times.

Community-driven project is maintained by a group of volunteers who are passionate about web development and want to make it easier for everyone to have their own unique web address. We are very active and your pull requests will be merged in no time.

Free and open-source is an open-source project that is hosted on GitHub. You can help maintain the code by reporting or fixing issues. We understand getting a domain is sometimes too expensive, thats why this project is created.

github logo

Treated as a separate website (PSL)

All registered subdomains are treated as a separate website by the browser and other applications. This means you can have your own website with its own cookies, local storage, and cache. It's like having your own domain!

coming soon: when high demand

Ready to get one?

Get your own subdomain now by searching for your name in the search bar above!